April - June 2022

Digital collage about BloodShots.

The Brief
Develop a version of the year 2057 with the theme 'More-than-Human Technological Futures', design a speculative design product to fit into that world and create a digital collage to capture the essence the product. 

The Process
I considered many futures in this project using the Four Corners of Possibility method paired with research into the More-than-Human theme with a focus on the relationship between humans and the natural world. I also created mood boards to help develop different futures. Much of my research suggested that our climate action is moving too slowly despite catastrophic predictions of the consequences of our current behaviours. I decided to imagine a world where instead of just the science convincing people to act, an ecocentric religion has risen to power in light of years of increasingly devastating climate-change fueled natural disasters. The incorporation of the spiritual aspect stems from that of many ancient and indigenous cultures who placed high emphasis on respect for the natural world rather than excessively prioritising humans. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Brainstorming different futures with the Four Corners of Possibility method.

Mood boards created to explore different futures
In the chosen version of 2057, Australians have adapted to a new way of life - much smaller and simpler than their old lives, but with more meaning and a strong connection to the natural world. The years of transition towards this lifestyle were difficult but people were willing to endure it to help reduce the damage humans had been doing to the planet and themselves. 
The Design
BloodShots is a capsule-shaped device that users inject their blood into, spray with mosquito-attractive chemicals and place around their outdoor space so that mosquitos can be fed without needing to bite humans directly and transfer itchy or dangerous substances. This is a speculative design product set in the highly ecocentric version of 2057 where eating animal products has long since been outlawed and now other practices such as the extermination of pests is under scrutiny. The design is purposefully excessive and ineffective to provoke discussion about how an ecocentric society may tackle problems such as the dangerous and irritating parts of nature, as well as asking how much humans would be willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of ecocentrism. After all, mosquitos do contribute to their ecosystems and are only trying to get the blood meal that they need to be able to reproduce. 
The collage is intended to humanise mosquitos by depicting a party scene featuring a goon bag of blood and blending humans with mosquito features. 
Read the full concept statement below.
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